InfoLinker Plus Sample Page Destination Rule
The rule that finds the page names of each page in the document is highlighted in the figure below. This rule is titled
“PAGE Destinations”. The rule is applied to every page in the document, COVER to END. If the document only had page
“numbers” then the search pattern would be “\d+”, but this document has page names that use roman numerals, so there
are a set of characters that could be part of the page name. This set includes numbers and the “I”, “v”, and “x”
characters. The set is “[\divx]” and it is repeatable, defined by “([\divx]+)”. The “$” symbol is used to represent
the end of the page. So, any number of roman numeral sequence at the end of the page defines the page name in this
document. We rename the page name with the string “PAGE” followed by the pattern found at the end of the page. Sample
bookmark names could be “PAGE 1”, “PAGE 12”, “PAGE 225”, and “PAGE xvi”. There is also a zone of the page that the
rule is restricted to find patterns. The zone (X1=0, Y1=100, X2=640, Y2=0) is the full width of the bottom of a page
that is 8 ½ by 11 inches.