InfoLinker Plus Sample Paragraph References in the Table of Contents Rule

This document has paragraph naming using a number-dot-number pattern. This rule applies to the body of the document, BODY to END. The search pattern (RegExp) is looking for the beginning of a line or beginning of page “(^|\s)” to qualify the search pattern. Then the pattern is a number “\d” followed by a repeatable pattern of a period followed by a sequence of numbers “(\.\d+)+”. This must then be followed by a space and an uppercase letter “ ([A-Z])”. The second part of the search pattern (based on the sets of parenthesis is used as the name of the bookmark and destination name. The result string of “(\d(\.\d+)+” (assuming the other conditions are met) is used as the name. In the figure below the bookmark is the bookmark that meets the requirement of this rule. The string “Microfiche/Microfilm” is added to the bookmark display name because InfoLinker Plus can optionally add any characters following a bookmark name that are on the same line and have the same font all the way to the end of the line. This is a Destination rule.
